• K. A. Javela Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • А. C. Javela Instituto Superior de Serviço Social
Keywords: marketing, personalized marketing, small and medium business, integrated marketing, content marketing


The main concepts of modern marketing have been defined in the article. The classification of tools and channels of marketing communications for SMEs is presented. Modern tendencies of use of Internet marketing tools for SMEs in Ukraine are explored. It has been found that small and medium-sized enterprises are actively using websites and social media for promotion of goods and services, cooperation with partners, personnel search, personalized information about products and services, and attracting customers to product and service development. It is determined that integrated marketing combines the concept of digital marketing, content marketing and Internet marketing. The main directions of development of integrated marketing for SMEs in Ukraine are offered development of content of marketing and personal marketing, Internet marketing, digital marketing. Modern marketing communications include the use of personal sales, e-mails, sales promotion by providing discounts and bonuses, using Internet promotion and social networks. The purpose of using social media in small and medium enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine is shown. Types of digital marketing communications are also highlighted. It is shown that without having a digital marketing plan, it's just the same as starting to build your business strategy blind and that without it it's impossible to imagine the creation and serial implementation of new digital products and services. This is what can be called a new era in entrepreneurship. Modern marketing communications include the use of personal sales, e-mails, sales promotion by providing discounts and bonuses, using Internet promotion and social networks. It is important to note that today the enterprises use all modern digital, virtual and network resources and tools for obtaining information about the potential consumer through the World Wide Web, as it is the largest share of people of all age groups in different parts of the country who spend their time in it. It is determined that digital tactics can help you much more than traditional methods of attracting customers to the company. The positive results of using social media for a complete picture of a likely client are shown and noted.


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How to Cite
Javela, K. A., & JavelaА. C. (2019). NEW WAYS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES’ MARKETING DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (144), 156-167. Retrieved from