Keywords: employee motivation system, motivational factors, method of analysis of hierarchies, motivational incentives, evaluation


The article analyzes the methodological approaches to assessing the system of staff motivation in the enterprise. The study found that the management of motivational processes in the enterprise is effective only when assessing the motivation system. The purpose of the article is to improve the methodological framework for assessing the system of staff motivation in the enterprise in terms of COVID-19 and the introduction of the practice of personnel management of agricultural enterprises in order to increase competitiveness in the Ukrainian market. Evaluation of personnel motivation system is proposed to carry out qualitative and quantitative indicators. A modified method of evaluation of personnel motivation system based on multi-use methods of evaluation components of the system. Formed partial list of criteria for evaluating components of motivation (welfare, financial, economic, social, psychological, and corporate incentive system) on the basis of expert survey of relevant specialist area. The weights in the model are proposed to be identified using the method of hierarchy analysis. Expert analysis used to assess the current and projected state enterprise motivation system. Applied scenario approach to the assessments of personnel motivation system, which is implemented in the identification of current and forecasted conditions. Graphical method used in the interpretation of the criteria changes partial components of motivation. The results of the study is to identify the level of motivation components of the enterprise, the authors proposed to consider the example of the agricultural enterprises mashynobuduvvannya. The study found an upward trend in such categories as: "fair treatment by management", "loans from the company on favorable terms", "health care and insurance", the relative deviation is -10.2%, -11.5%, -23.8%, respectively. Identified the main directions of development of motivation, such as: "Delegation of authority", "total annual remuneration", "promotion program personnel", "Stimulating objectives" - or rather -23.4%, -12.4%, -22, 4% and -38.5% respectively. The practical value of the study is to identify opportunities to improve the competitiveness of enterprises through improved agricultural engineering system of motivation. Using multi evaluation methods and scenario approach enables adaptation to changes in a turbulent environment COVID-19.


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How to Cite
Tymchenko, I., & Levina, A. (2021). ESTIMATION EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION SYSTEM AT ENTERPRISE UNDER COVID-19 CONDITIONS . Economic Scope, (169), 84-91.