Keywords: higher education, global challenges, cooperation, effects, synergy, competitiveness


One of the forms of response to the challenges of the globalized world is the cooperative interaction of higher education institutions. Cooperation of partner institutions is potentially forms effective mechanisms for implementing strategies, achieving goals and objectives, including access to education, which for many in a pandemic has become unattainable. Combating the long-term effects and changes in education caused by the year of the pandemic will be based on assessing the tools and opportunities of open educational resources and addressing the challenges that are better solved in partnership. The expediency of cooperation or its failure in the field of higher education can be confirmed by the presence of effects produced as a result of such interaction. The above named actualizes the issue of rethinking the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of new forms and approaches to ensuring the effectiveness of cooperation, assessment of its consequences and monitoring. The purpose of this work is to identify and justify the nature of the effects from cooperative interaction of key individuals in the market of educational services in the context of globalization challenges and trends in modern higher education. Cooperative entities are essentially integrated structures that unite several higher education institutions, including foreign ones, for such structures are characterized by the presence of a synergistic effect that is achieved through the effects of scale, integration, conglomerate. The synergy is also illustrates the inverse, negative effect in the long run period - the build-up of unilateral benefits for more powerful higher education institutions, the loss of scale. This can happen when the cooperative creation of higher education institutions unites diverse subjects of educational activity with different potential, specificity, wthat ultimately reduce the overall effectiveness from cooperative cooperation. Therefore, the formation of cooperatives should be carried out with a focus on the positive effects of such cooperation, and at the same time taking into account that the expansion of educational networks may lead to a reassessment of the positive effect. Taking these facts into account will make it possible to create viable educational associations and abandon unpromising and irrational agreements in the field of higher education on the basis of cooperation.


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