Keywords: professional judgment, accounting, audit, knowledge, experience, international standards


The modern accountant works in extremely difficult conditions, which is associated with the rapid development of the service economy, which leads to the formation of new and complex business processes and operations. Since all transactions must be reflected in the accounting system of the enterprise, there is a need to find sound methods that allow to implement it within the existing legal field. However, domestic legislation in the field of accounting and taxation is increasingly undergoing changes that are not always relevant and systematic. As a result, the accountant in his work is faced with problematic issues that need to be addressed immediately. However, the solution of such problems is not always directly regulated by law. In such conditions, the role and importance of professional judgment of the accountant, the content of which is disclosed in the article, increases significantly. It is determined that professional judgment is bases on acquired knowledge, own skills, abilities, experience and professional sense, and is a kind of superstructure of professional opportunities. The cost of such a judgment depends on the result obtained on the basis of its application. Professional judgment is a variable characteristic of an accountant's capabilities and requires constant development. To do this, you should follow certain principles, which include consistency, argumentation, reliability, completeness, logic. Adherence to these principles will form the level of professional judgment that will provide an opportunity to effectively solve non-standard production situations and bring additional income to the accountant. In addition, we believe that the application of international accounting and reporting standards provides more opportunities for the development of accounting judgment. This is because international standards describe the basic principles that a particular entity must comply with. Domestic accounting regulations provide many alternatives by which objects can be recognized in accounting. Therefore, the development of professional judgment in the application of national provisions is primarily related to the justification of a specific alternative or scheme of application of methods of recognition, evaluation, accounting of individual objects.


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How to Cite
Melnychuk, I., & Lopatovska, O. (2021). PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT OF AN ACCOUNTANT UNDER UNCERTAINTY. Economic Scope, (168), 138-141.