• Natalia Savran UDS CONSULTING LLC
Keywords: CRM-system, development, classification, tools, enterprise


The article identifies the need to automate the main processes at the enterprise using a CRM system capable of providing continuous standardization of customer relationship management. The author considers the main stages of the development of CRM systems in the world market. Revealing the peculiarities of the development of various types of CRM systems in the historical space in accordance with the market volumes from the end of the 20th century to 1919 of the 21st century, which they serve. The advantages and disadvantages of the CRM-system in the process of its implementation by the enterprise were clarified, it allowed us to offer our own view of the concept of CRM-systems in accordance with the requirements of transparency, planning and shaving. It has been established that the CRM system makes it possible to ensure effective interaction with customers and suppliers; intermediaries; structural divisions of the enterprise. These capabilities are able to provide automation of the main and auxiliary business processes, which are accompanied by the preparation of reports, the extract of documents and the like. The types of CRM systems that are most in demand are investigated and their classification is presented: according to the assigned (sales management, marketing management, customer service management) according to the level of information processing (operational, analytical and collaborative) according to the type of access points according to the distribution method. The toolkit is described that allow you to create a data warehouse with the composition of goods or services produced, their assortment, a list of buyers and suppliers. CRM system tools include: advertising in the media, the Internet, mobile devices, CRM systems, call centers, direct contact in the office and directly through the product. The interface allows you to work with heterogeneous data and simultaneously plan, manage and control all business processes. Recommendations for the distribution of CRM systems in the activities of the enterprise are given and the priorities for the further development of these systems in Ukraine are outlined.


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