Keywords: consumer value, suburban transport, transportation service, customer satisfaction of consumer value, consumer decision


The consumer's decision on the choice of a way to move in space, but directly in this article on the choice of the type private or suburban public transport, is based on the person's expectation of the consumer value of the trip, which will have a certain size and content. Consumer value for suburban transportation – as a result of the interaction of the passenger with the carrier. The elements of the consumer value for suburban passenger transportation by public transport are shown in general. With the help of previous research in this area, as well as the author's own experience, the elements and content of the consumer value, commuter travel by public transport and private car, are further formed and revealed. The elements of consumer value consist of the preferences and sacrifices of the passenger. The article aims to use more modern and universal approaches to shaping the consumer value content and components of commuter travel. This set-up should be based on a sequence of modern scientific and practical approaches to the core of SC services. Methods of synthesis and analysis, induction and deduction, and generalization are used in the study (to determine the content of public transport and suburban transport by private vehicle and the elements of consumer value). A positive result of the interaction between passenger and carrier is the guarantee of more active use of public transport services by the consumer. In addition to increasing the consumer value of such services, it will encourage consumers to abandon the use of private transport for the public benefit. A well-thought-out policy on the tariff plan, improving the comfort and quality of services provided by public transport helps to attract the maximum number of passengers who use public transport and also attaches great importance to the economic effect of the consumer value of suburban travel by public transport. The results of the study can be applied in favor of reducing the use of a large number of private transports, which will enable the formulation and implementation of policies to protect the environment and the environmental situation.


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