Keywords: circular economy, business models, phases of transformation, resource efficiency indicators, investments


The international practices of realization of business circularity strategies are researched and systematized. The tendencies in change of value priorities of corporate policy of companies depending on phases of transformation of business models are revealed. The focus on the operational efficiency of production processes is strengthened by the transition to the principles of sustainable development and environmental responsibility, and then the creation of circular value chains. Creating circular value chains requires a change in corporate policy and management tools. The transformation of companies' business models affects its corporate culture. The mission and philosophy of business are changing, fundamentally new integrated indicators for assessing financial, economic and social performance are being formed. Environmental management can bring many benefits to producers of goods: saving money and resources, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, improving the morale of employees. The analysis of the structure of investments and investment agreements in digitization projects is performed. It is established that most of the financial resources are directed to waste collection and recycling. This has increased the demand for waste processing equipment and caused structural changes in the engineering market. Positive tendencies of growth of investment attractiveness of circularity projects are revealed. In Ukraine, as in the world society, there are demands for a healthy lifestyle and environmental protection, so the country must create an institutional framework for the implementation of these needs. It is necessary to encourage a new generation of entrepreneurs to learn and innovate, to initiate "green" business strategies for the development of territories and to promote cross-sectoral cooperation. Further research is needed on the divergence of circular business models by industry and practices of adaptive management tools in the context of conceptualization of change and structural redistribution of resources in the environment.


Ormazabal, M.; Prieto-Sandoval, V.; Puga-Leal, R.; Jaca, C. Circular Economy in Spanish SMEs: Challenges and opportunities. J. Clean. Prod. 2018, 185, 157–167.

Rizos, V.; Behrens, A.; Van Der Gaast, W.; Hofman, E.; Ioannou, A.; Kafyeke, T.; Flamos, A.; Rinaldi, R.; Papadelis, S.; Hirschnitz-Garbers, M.; et al. Implementation of circular economy business models by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Barriers and enablers. Sustainability 2016, 8, 1212.

Ormazabal, M.; Prieto-Sandoval, V.; Jaca, C.; Santos, J. An overview of the circular economy among SMEs in the Basque Country: A multiple case study. J. Ind. Eng. Manag. 2016, 9, 1047–1058.

Rizos, V.; Behrens, A.; Kafyeke, T.; Hirschnitz-Garbers, M.; Ioannou, A. The Circular Economy: Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs; Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS): Brussels, Belgium, 2015.

EIO Bi-Annual Report 2016: Policies and Practices for Eco-Innovation Up-Take and Circular Economy Transition. Available online: (accessed on 1 October 2018).

Stewart, R.; Niero, M. Circular economy in corporate sustainability strategies: A review of corporate sustainability reports in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. Bus. Strateg. Environ.2018, 27, 1005–1022.

Su, B.; Heshmati, A.; Geng, Y.; Yu, X. A review of the circular economy in China: Moving from rhetoric to implementation. J. Clean. Prod. 2013, 42, 215–227.

Shahbazi, S.; Wiktorsson, M.; Kurdve, M.; Jönsson, C.; Bjelkemyr, M. Material efficiency in manufacturing: Swedish evidence on potential, barriers and strategies. J. Clean. Prod. 2016, 127, 438–450.

EEA Circular Economy in Europe. Developing the Knowledge Base. Available online:

Chertow, M.R. Industrial symbiosis: Literature and taxonomy. Annu. Rev. Energy Environ.2000, 25, 313–337.

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Ghisellini, P.; Ji, X.; Liu, G.; Ulgiati, S. Evaluating the transition towards cleaner production in the construction and demolition sector of China: A review. J. Clean. Prod. 2018, 195, 418–434.

Aid, G.; Eklund, M.; Anderberg, S.; Baas, L. Expanding roles for the Swedish waste management sector in inter-organizational resource management. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2017, 124, 85–97.

Velenturf, A.P.M. Resource Recovery from Waste: Restoring the Balance between Resource Scarcity and Waste Overload. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1603.

Masi, D.; Day, S.; Godsell, J. Supply Chain Configurations in the Circular Economy: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1602.

Pan, S.Y.; Du, M.A.; Huang, I.T.; Liu, I.H.; Chang, E.E.; Chiang, P.C. Strategies on implementation of waste-to-energy (WTE) supply chain for circular economy system: A review. J. Clean. Prod.2014, 108, 409–421.

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Triguero, Á.; Cuerva, M.C.; Álvarez-Aledo, C. Environmental innovation and employment: Drivers and synergies. Sustainability 2017, 9, 2057.

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Recycling Equipment and Machinery Market to hit $1.2bn by 2025: Global Market Insights, Inc. URL:

Ormazabal M., Prieto-Sandoval V., Puga-Leal R., Jaca C. (2018) Circular Economy in Spanish SMEs: Challenges and opportunities. J. Clean. Prod, no. 185, pp. 157–167.

Rizos V., Behrens A., Van Der Gaast W., Hofman E., Ioannou A., Kafyeke T., Flamos A., Rinaldi R., Papadelis S., Hirschnitz-Garbers M. et al. (2016) Implementation of circular economy business models by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Barriers and enablers. Sustainability, no. 8, pp. 1212.

Ormazabal M., Prieto-Sandoval V., Jaca C., Santos J. (2016) An overview of the circular economy among SMEs in the Basque Country: A multiple case study. J. Ind. Eng. Manag. no. 9, pp. 1047–1058.

Rizos V., Behrens A., Kafyeke T., Hirschnitz-Garbers M., Ioannou A. (2015) The Circular Economy: Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs; Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS): Brussels, Belgium.

EIO (2016) Bi-Annual Report 2016: Policies and Practices for Eco-Innovation Up-Take and Circular Economy Transition. Available at: (accessed 1 October 2018).

Stewart R., Niero M. (2018) Circular economy in corporate sustainability strategies: A review of corporate sustainability reports in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. Bus. Strateg. Environ. no. 27, pp. 1005-1022.

Su B., Heshmati A., Geng Y., Yu X. (2013) A review of the circular economy in China: Moving from rhetoric to implementation. J. Clean. Prod. no. 42, pp. 215–227.

Shahbazi S., Wiktorsson M., Kurdve M., Jönsson C., Bjelkemyr M. (2016) Material efficiency in manufacturing: Swedish evidence on potential, barriers and strategies. J. Clean. Prod. no. 127, pp. 438–450.

EEA Circular Economy in Europe. Developing the Knowledge Base. Available at: (accessed 1 October 2020).

Chertow M. R. (2000) Industrial symbiosis: Literature and taxonomy. Annu. Rev. Energy Environ. no. 25, pp. 313–337.

Daddi T., Nucci B., Iraldo F. (2017) Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to measure the environmental benefits of industrial symbiosis in an industrial cluster of SMEs. J. Clean. Prod. no. 147, pp. 157–164.

Ghisellini P., Ji X., Liu G., Ulgiati S. (2018) Evaluating the transition towards cleaner production in the construction and demolition sector of China: A review. J. Clean. Prod. no. 195, pp. 418–434.

Aid G., Eklund M., Anderberg S., Baas L. (2017) Expanding roles for the Swedish waste management sector in inter-organizational resource management. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. no. 124, pp. 85–97.

Velenturf A. P. M. (2017) Resource Recovery from Waste: Restoring the Balance between Resource Scarcity and Waste Overload. Sustainability no. 9, pp. 1603.

Masi D., Day S., Godsell J. (2017) Supply Chain Configurations in the Circular Economy: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability no. 9, pp. 1602.

Pan S. Y., Du M. A., Huang I. T., Liu I. H., Chang E. E., Chiang P. C. (2014) Strategies on implementation of waste-to-energy (WTE) supply chain for circular economy system: A review. J. Clean. Prod. no. 08, pp. 409–421.

Pereiras S., Cdti E. H., Pereiras M. S., Huergo E. La Financiación de Actividades de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación: Una revisión de la evidencia sobre el impacto de las ayudas públicas. Available at: (accessed 1 October 2020).

Triguero Á., Cuerva M. C., Álvarez-Aledo C. (2017) Environmental innovation and employment: Drivers and synergies. Sustainability no. 9, pp. 2057.

Ghisetti C., Rennings K. (2014) Environmental innovations and profitability: How does it pay to be green?An empirical analysis on the German innovation survey. J. Clean. Prod. no. 75, pp. 106–117.

Moktadir M. A., Rahman T., Rahman M. H., Ali S. M., Paul S. K. (2018) Drivers to sustainable manufacturing practices and circular economy: A perspective of leather industries in Bangladesh. J. Clean. Prod. no. 174, pp. 1366–1380.

EOI Eco-Innovation Observatory-Policies and Practices for Eco-Innovation Up-Take and Circular Economy Transition. Available at: (accessed October 2020).

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Albino V., Balice A., Dangelico R. M. (2009) Environmental strategies and green product development: an overview on sustainability-driven companies. Bus. Strategy Environment, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 83-96.

Kes M., Mont O., Rodhe H., Orsato R., Ryan C. Neij L. (2014) Strategies for sustainable solutions: an interdisciplinary and collaborative research. Cleaner Production, vol. 83, pp. 5-6.

Mangun, D., Thurston D. (2002) Incorporating component reuse, remanufacture, and recycle into product portfolio design. IEEE Trans. Eng. Manag. vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 479-490.

Cheung Wai M., Marsh R., Griffin P. W., Newnes L. B., Mileham A. R., Lanham J. D. (2014) Towards cleaner production: a roadmap for predicting product end-of-life costs at early design concept. Cleaner Production, vol. 82.

Kieffer C., Carrillo-Hermosilla J., del Río P. (2018) Drivers and barriers of eco-innovation types for sustainable transitions. A quantitative perspective. Bus. Strateg. Environ. pp. 1–38.

José Potting, Marko Hekkert, Ernst Worrell and Aldert Hanemaaijer (2017) «Circular economy: measuring innovation in the product chain». Policy Report. Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. The Hague.

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WBCSD (2018) Circular Metrics Landscape Analysis. Available at: (accessed October 2018).

Jessica Lyons Hardcastle (2016) Why Environmental Managers, Investors Love Circular Economy Technologies. Available at: (accessed October 2018).

DBMR (2020) Global Paper Cup Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027. Available at: (accessed October 2020).

The AP news (2020) Paper Cups Market to Grow 1.5x by 2028; Disposable Paper Cup Options Gain Demand Driven by Fears of Covid-19 Transmission, Says Future Market Insights. Available at: (accessed October 2020).

Global Market Insights. Recycling equipment and machinery market size by machine. Available at: (accessed October 2020).

Global Market Insights, Inc. Recycling Equipment and Machinery Market to hit $1.2bn by 2025. Available at: (accessed October 2018).

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