Keywords: innovation, innovation network, innovation process, horizontal connections, cooperation of efforts


The article examines the features of a network organization of innovative activity. A definite trend of development of a knowledge economy is the shift towards partnerships in the innovation sphere. In the work it is determined that many problems associated with creating an enabling environment for activating innovative processes on the basis of network interaction are still poorly studied. It makes appropriate to carry out further research in this sphere. The network form of interaction bases on the principles of equal partnership, agreed in time and space of behavior of participants. It brings together the whole process of developing, producing and disseminating innovations. A typical network structure is an open system that consists of a set of interconnected elements (participants). They interact and exchange information to create and enhance competitive advantage, have roughly equal access to core resources, and have equal direct relations with other participants. They all get benefit from network interaction, regardless of their size and type of activity. The formation of innovation networks is a complex process that involves the selection and voluntary integration of stakeholders into a single network. Modern innovation networks are based on the concept of open innovation, which involves the use of external ideas and technologies while allowing other stakeholders to use their own ideas. The process of formation of innovation networks involves the emergence of the initiator bringing together a number of enterprises in the efficient production of innovation. The network structure is a modern model for the redistribution of tangible and intangible assets, allowing its participants to reduce time and material costs to adapt to market conditions. The presence of horizontal links and the sharing of available resources significantly accelerates the process of transforming scientific knowledge into innovation and its commercialization. Increasing the interaction between participants leads to the accumulation of innovation potential and the activation of innovative processes.


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How to Cite
Buniak, N. (2021). FEATURES OF A NETWORK ORGANIZATION OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY. Economic Scope, (168), 7-10. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/168-1