Keywords: aviation transport, ecosystem, resource-saving technologies, logistics, environmental efficiency


The article analyses the global indicators of the impact of air transport on the ecosystem, as well as identifies promising areas for reducing their negative effects. The Ukrainian aviation sector faces the difficult task of achieving the established level of environmental impact by 2050, which requires appropriate changes at the legislative level and involves technological modernization of the air transport system as a whole. To implement the concept of "green" aviation, there is an urgent need for innovative solutions and mechanisms that will help reduce the negative impact on the environment and global climate change. It has been found that currently, the activity of Ukrainian airports in the field of environmental protection is characterized by a low level of activity, it is limited to the definition of environmental aspects and the development of plans for the rational use of natural resources. This is caused by the uncertainty of financial mechanisms to stimulate "green" initiatives, lack of experience and own resources for their implementation. The international experience of using energy efficient technologies in the aviation sector is studied and the problems of their introduction in Ukraine are determined. It is established that a significant amount of emissions occurs during energy-consuming logistics aviation processes. Theoretical and practical provisions of application of the logistics approach to solving the problems and tasks of creation of "clean" air transport of Ukraine are offered. It is proven that the logistics approach provides an opportunity to systematically consider the problems of reducing the negative impact of the aviation sector on the ecosystem and to develop effective solutions at all stages of the life cycle of the creation of air transport products. The development of domestic aviation enterprises as key objects of the regional, national transport and logistics system opens new horizons for the aviation industry by expanding their scope and attracting customers; this also allows to concentrate industrial infrastructure in the surrounding area. All this provides an opportunity to achieve an ecological effect in urban agglomerations and systematically solve the problem of reducing the negative impact of air transport on the environment.


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How to Cite
Sokolova, O., & Grygorak, M. (2021). LOGISTICS APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF A «GREEN» AVIATION SECTOR IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (167), 103-110. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/167-19