Keywords: project-oriented enterprise, knowledge management, operational activities, project activities, project management


Industry 4.0 radically changes the approaches to the functioning of modern enterprises, business processes, components of competitive advantages of enterprises. There is an urgent need for continuous generation and use of knowledge and application of information technology in the innovative activities of the enterprise, which is implemented in the form of projects. Therefore, it is advisable to study the essential content of the category "project-oriented enterprise" and its transformation into "project-oriented enterprise 4.0" in Industry 4.0. Today, more and more Ukrainian enterprises are engaged in projects that allow them to implement innovative developments. Project activities occupy an important place along with their operational activities. Enterprises are aware of the need to implement project management and are in the process of their transformation into project-oriented enterprises. However, there is no single approach to defining the concept of "project-oriented enterprise", especially taking into account the peculiarities of their operation in Ukraine. The article is devoted to the study of the essential content of the category "project-oriented enterprise" and its transformation into the category "project-oriented enterprise 4.0" in Industry 4.0. The main features of the operation of project-oriented enterprises and the impact on them Industry 4.0 are identified. One of the main features of a project-oriented enterprise is the more intensive use of knowledge as a source of competitive advantage. It is determined that the approaches to the essence of the project-oriented enterprise have undergone significant changes with the advent of the concept of Industry 4.0. It is established that "project-oriented enterprise 4.0" is an enterprise which, in addition to its operational activities, is actively engaged in project activities, which undergoes various stages of transformation into project-oriented, its organizational structure has matrix elements and one of the main features is knowledge management system, which includes technological and social aspects, the purpose of which is the formation of "artificial" intellectual capital as a source of competitive advantage.


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