• Anton Darahan National Technical University «Kharkiv Politechnical Institute»
  • Artem Gevorkyan National Technical University «Kharkiv Politechnical Institute»
Keywords: financial potential, component, enterprise, market, competitiveness, indicator, increase, analysis


Today the financial potential of the enterprise is one of the basic indicators of successful operation of the enterprise. For effective management of financial potential there is a need to clearly define its components that will form the capacity of the enterprise. The essence of financial potential is not so much in the availability of financial resources in a particular period of time, as in the ability of the company to form and reproduce the necessary assets in full with minimal costs and in a short time. The level of financial potential directly affects the level of competitiveness of the enterprise - the ability of the enterprise to compete in markets with producers and sellers of similar goods by providing higher quality, affordable prices, creating comfortable conditions for buyers and consumers. Difficult modern economic conditions, aggravation of social and epidemiological problems, unstable legal framework require national enterprises to create a system that would allow efficient use of all available and potential financial resources, respond quickly to changes in the environment and ensure high financial results. not only in the current period, but also in the long run. To date, very little research has been conducted in the scientific literature on the components of financial potential, which denies today's scientists in-depth study of the functioning of financial potential. Thus, we propose to consider the financial potential of the following elements: resource component, organizational component, information component, analytical component. To effectively use the components of financial potential, it is also necessary to take into account entrepreneurial skills (human factor). After all, each company needs to adequately assess current and future financial opportunities and make effective decisions to optimize financial resources. In addition, the management system itself also plays an important role. It should also be noted that the article defines the functions of financial potential and its features. It is determined that its functions include: resource, information, organizational and analytical component. The basic stages at which there is an estimation of financial potential of the enterprise on the basis of its components are formed.


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How to Cite
Darahan, A., & Gevorkyan, A. (2021). FORMATION OF COMPONENTS OF FINANCIAL POTENTIAL OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (167), 55-58.