Keywords: educational institution, education, educational environment, educational space, educational service, market, development


The content analysis of the concepts «educational space» and «educational environment» is performed. It is proved that the concept of «educational space» is considered as: territory; integration system; subsystem of social space; pedagogical reality; system of pedagogical factors and conditions of personal development; a set of educational institutions, educational processes, and educational environments that operate in a particular area; the field where the interaction of educational environments occurs. It is proved that the concept of «educational environment» is considered as the specifics of the relationship that has developed in the institution, innovative technologies and assessment of the components of successful self-realization of the individual; a set of conditions, opportunities, and resources for personal education; the interconnection of conditions that provide human education; institutional form, which is characterized by interconnected conditions that affect human education; the environment where the formation of personality (professional development of the applicant) happens. It is determined that the concept of «space» in its meaning is broader than the concept of «environment». A model of educational space in Ukraine has been developed, which includes educational institutions as manufacturers of educational services, which are involved in the functioning of three markets: the market of educational services for which they develop their educational programs; the labor market for which highly qualified personnel (graduates) are trained; market of scientific and technical products and services where they offer the results of their scientific and technical activities. The proposed model of educational space identifies the subjects and objects of the market of educational services, the labor market, and the market of scientific and technical products and services. The modern international practice of the concept of educational services is investigated. The components of the formation of modern educational space in the context of the knowledge economy are determined. The following methods were used in the study: theoretical generalization, analysis, and synthesis, comparative analysis, observation. The practical significance of the results of the study is to determine the relationship of elements of the modern educational space of Ukraine in the context of the knowledge economy, analysis of methodological approaches to the formation of modern domestic educational space.


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