Keywords: receivables, receivables management, software, information software, accounting automation


The article examines the current state of receivables management, identifies the main problems and suggests ways to overcome them, including accounting. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of cognition: historical, logical, systemic, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis; methods of statistical data processing, classification, grouping. Emphasis is placed on the growth of receivables and its consistently high share in the current assets of domestic enterprises over the past three years, which necessitates the development of measures to optimize its management. Modern software, including the subsystem "Accounting" "1C: Enterprise 8" does not contain a separate complex for accounting for receivables and the provision for doubtful debts. This determines the expediency of accrual of the provision for doubtful debts in the subsystem "Accounting" in the document "Debt Adjustment", which is designed to adjust the debt of mutual settlements with counterparties and is responsible for the function of debt write-off. It is proved that the process of receivables management in the conditions of digitalization can be optimized by integrating communication and network technologies. Integration processes provide the formation of a common information environment at the micro and macro levels with access to internal and external users of accounting information. It is advisable to integrate the function of information exchange with a single database of counterparties in modern software products for accounting automation. This will allow you to obtain information about counterparties, the existence of contractual relations, the state of receivables and the procedure for its repayment. The single database will provide an opportunity for information exchange between suppliers, customers, banking institutions, legal and factoring organizations, government agencies of the fiscal service and statistics. All these measures will optimize the process of managing receivables in terms of the use of information technology. The prospect of further research is to study the information support of receivables management in the application of blockchain technology.


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How to Cite
Kononenko, L., Sysolina, N., & Yurchenko, O. (2021). THE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT: CURRENT SITUATION, PROBLEMS, PROSPECTS, INFORMATION SUPPORT. Economic Scope, (166), 104-109.

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