Keywords: allocation of productive forces, regional economy, sustainable development, regions, policy of sustainable development


A systematization of approaches to the definition of «sustainable development» has been provided in this article. It has been concluded that there is no unambiguous definition of sustainable development. This term is interpreted by scholars from the standpoint of their own subjective judgments. The definition given in the national strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine until 2030 can be considered as the most acceptable. It has been noted that in the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, the regional (subnational) level should be the determining factor. This is due to the fact that the region is the subject of integration relations, where the goals of sustainable development are most adequate to its position in the system of management of the national economy and regional association. It has been noted that the implementation of sustainable development tasks at the regional level requires: development of socio-economic and environmental development programs; formation of local budgets taking into account the priority of goals and objectives of sustainable development; implementation of a set of measures for balanced development of regions. It has been determined that for further implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the regional dimension, it is necessary to develop a new methodology taking into account the effective allocation of productive forces. It has been emphasized that the deployment of productive forces is a tool to achieve effective implementation of the concept of sustainable development. A scheme to ensure sustainable development of the regions, taking into account the factors of the APF has been suggested by the authors. There are three main areas: development of sustainable development strategies for each region; the formation of local budgets taking into account the priorities and goals of sustainable development and the formation of an effective policy of the APF in the context of sustainable development. It has been noted that the last area is the main one and needs the most attention in the research process. It has been concluded that sustainable development in the region is possible through the development and implementation of regional strategies and programs of sustainable development, as well as in the development of coordinated regional development policy in the context of sustainable development and local budgets taking into account the priority of sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Mashchenko, S., Goncharova, K., & Hrebennikov, V. (2021). PLACING OF PRODUCTIVE FORCES AS AN INSTRUMENT OF POLICY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION. Economic Scope, (166), 85-89.