Keywords: innovative potential, innovative activities, strategic management, intrapreneurship, indicators for evaluating innovative ideas, intellectual potential, export potential, сustomer-centric approach


The article aims to identify priority areas for the enterprises’ innovative potential development. The results of the study are the determination of factors of enterprises’ innovative potential development. The main factors are related to the globalization of economic processes, including the digitalization of the economy, the high rate of dissemination of progressive knowledge, the business ecosystems’ development. The main directions of improving the efficiency of innovation potential management are investing in a fuller use of digitalization by enterprises, intensification of consolidation processes, paying more attention to benchmarking. The urgency of leadership initiative in intensifying innovation, the spread of program-targeted organizational management structures for the enterprises’ intellectual potential synergy, the development of export potential for effective scaling of innovations are stated. The general relevance of the development of intrapreneurship by stimulating the development and use of innovation potential is grounded. The definition of innovation potential has been clarified. The multilevel orientation of enterprises’ innovative potential: external – on increase of customers’ satisfaction level, formation of external image, internal – on improvement of all components of enterprise’s potential, formation of internal image are substantiated. The role of the components of the enterprise potential in relation to the innovation potential, namely, its resource provision, production and supply of the innovative product on the market, the cyclical nature of innovation, work motivation is defined. The relationship between innovation potential and innovation activity is substantiated. A system of criteria and indicators for evaluating innovative ideas is proposed. The basic criteria are: consumers, market, intellectual property, the status of the idea, the effectiveness of innovation. Customer-centric approach as the basis of innovation activity coupled with earning capacity for the enterprise provides its strategic competitive advantages and investment attractiveness.


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How to Cite
Shenderivska, L., & Kvasko, A. (2021). DIRECTIONS OF ENTERPRISES’ INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (166), 74-80.