Keywords: material and technical resources, agricultural enterprise, planning, stocks, strategy, efficiency


The article defines the characteristics of material and technical resources of agricultural enterprises, examines their relationships and structure. The essence of material and technical resources management is analyzed, the main directions of their effective use are determined. It is determined that the calculation of the need for material resources in enterprises should be based on detailed production plans and individual norms of consumption of material and technical resources for goods or work. The indicators of the strategic plan are used to develop plans for financing, lending and use of working capital of the enterprise, without a logistics plan, the development strategy of the enterprise can not be developed. Taking into account a certain rhythm of deliveries, the methods of planning, standardization of raw material stocks, inventory accounting, control over the implementation of the allocated material values are improved, forecasting methods are used. Production enterprises need working capital, which work in the form of inventories, work in progress, finished products. Forming the minimum normative level of production stocks, it is necessary to take into account the organizational and technical and economic conditions of material and technical support of production. For the normal operation of the enterprise it is very important to organize the operational regulation of stocks. For this purpose, control over the condition of warranty stocks in warehouses is established. An important aspect of effective management of material and technical resources of agricultural enterprises is working with suppliers to control supply and ensure the range of materials and components. An important factor in improving the management of material and technical resources is the organization of operational regulation of stocks. Warehouses not only perform the function of storage and preparation of materials for their release into production, but also help to quickly regulate the consumption of material and technical resources.


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How to Cite
Fedrets, O., Datsenko, O., & Kekalo, Y. (2021). STRATEGIC ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (166), 69-73.