Keywords: resources, enterprise, resource management, ERP-system, software


The article examines the theoretical and applied aspects of optimizing the management of enterprise resources by implementing an ERP-system, which within one computer program, with free access to all departments of the enterprise, allows rapid exchange of information and simplifies management processes. The following methods were used in the study: comparative and critical analysis, synthesis, generalization. The essence of ERP-system and standard modules that automate the system of collection, storage and use of information in the enterprise are considered. The article presents the comparative characteristics of ERP-systems and the estimated cost of software alternatives, in particular: BAS ERP, Perfectum CRM + ERP, ERP-system IT-Enterprise, Tend ERP. In addition, the article proves that minimizing the risks and getting the most out of implementing an ERP system is possible through a carefully planned phased project. The main stages of ERP-system implementation are thoroughly researched: organizational stage, which envisages creation of a group of line employees and managers from each department of the enterprise, in order to develop an ERP-system implementation plan; the stage of enterprise survey and ERP system design, which allows to develop individual system functionalities for a specific business entity; determining the effect of the implementation of the ERP system, in which the working group determines what is planned to be achieved after the implementation of the system; commissioning of the system, which is preceded by appropriate user training, as well as the development of instructions for working in the system; evaluation of effective implementation of ERP-system. The study found that after a calendar year of active use of the ERP-system, the company's management can really assess the effect of using this software. The article proves that ERP systems in the enterprise allows to automate the process of resource management, allows to identify gaps in management and helps to balance the use of all available resources, which is practically valuable in today's business environment.


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How to Cite
Smolych, D. (2021). OPTIMIZATION OF MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCE SUPPORT OF THE ENTERPRISE THROUGH IMPLEMENTATION OF ERP-SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (166), 64-68. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/166-11