Keywords: intralogistics, marketing, marketing logistics approach, digital-technologies, e-commerce


The features of essential goods have been investigated under the view of changes and challenges that have arisen as a result of the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic. The key factors on which the formation of competitive advantages of domestic enterprises in the unstable economic conditions in the fast moving convenience goods (FMCG) market were detected. Since the lockdown of COVID 19, consumers have been heavily stocking up on basic FMCG and home luxury goods in all monitored markets. The FMCG Industry is one of the few industries that has been able to grow during the crisis. Compared to March 2019, interest in these goods increased by 53% in March 2020. It also grew stronger in the countries most affected by the crisis – presumably due to a longer lockdown period. It’s noticeable that retailers with strong digital capabilities are experiencing a growth (having delivery slots booked for months in advance), while the retailers with weaker e-commerce offerings are losing consumer interest. At the same time, it’s important for FMCG brands to hit the right communication tone and not to risk having their campaigns considered inappropriate. Data shows that only brands with purpose-driven advertising and social support seem to be successful. The foundations of the existence of contraversion regarding the interpretation of the concept of network intralogistics in modern challenges have been investigated and it has been established that networked intralogistics is a systemic concept in which many processes and mechanisms interact with each other, and therefore, based on a systematic approach, the technological component of intralogistics must necessarily be balanced, integrated with "intangible", that is, the sphere of relations in which strategic marketing approaches and their integration with other functional areas: logistics and finance are of key importance. Therefore, marketing and logistics support of the market of essential goods should be based on the system of selection of the most relevant for this market tools of network intralogistics and marketing, including: network intralogistics, digital and green technologies, digital marketing, SMM, Customer Relationship Management.


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