Keywords: activity, effectiveness, management, methodology, engagement, staff, enterprise, employers, incentive, administration


The main approaches to the methodology of staff incentive and engagement are considered in the article. The research aim is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions, methodological approaches to the formation, functioning and development of a staff incentive scheme. Today, economics has developed several contradictory approaches to the definition of a category “staff incentive scheme”, as a consequence of ambiguous understanding of such categories as “motive” and “stimulant”, “engagement” and “incentive”. The issue of the relation between these concepts has remained controversial. In management practice, these categories are not differentiated, they are considered rather as synonymous concepts. The author has summarized the views of economists on the essence of the “incentive” and “engagement” concepts. It has been determined that, most scientists proceed from the fact that engagement is a broader concept than incentive. The article examines the engagement process from the standpoint of the stimulant impact on the motive formation. Staff incentive in an organization is not only a process but also a system, therefore, defining the technological component of the methodology, the author considered it as a system and process at the same time. The article describes the structure of a staff incentive scheme in different types of social and labor relations. As a result of studying the genesis of social and labor relations and the conceptual fundamentals of management and engagement, society development and the scientific and technological progress, the author found that development of a theoretical and methodological approach to staff incentive is efficient and meets the requirements of a new paradigm of socio-economic systems. A theoretical and methodological approach to staff incentive has been offered. This approach differs in the concepts of incentive as a system and process in the formation and support of which the object of management together with the subject is involved. The worldview aspect of the methodology was formed as a result of the development of mechanistic, humanistic, socially-oriented and participative approaches to human resources management. The cognitive component of the methodology is shown in the development of theories which reflect this evolution: classical management theories, the concept of human relations, the concept of human resources, the concept of socially responsible and ethical management.


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