• Viktoriia Butenko Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
  • Yuliia Volnevych Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
  • Marina Mamunenko Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Keywords: budget, taxes, financial support, health insurance, financial decentralization


The article is devoted to the study of the development and analysis of urgent problems in financing the medical industry. The transformation of the financing of the medical industry is the key to building a mechanism of financial stable support for the population based on providing all citizens of Ukraine with equal and high-quality medical services. During 2014–2019, there was a decrease in the priority of health related to debt service, subsidies and pension costs, so the old financing model is no longer effective. Thus, for further transformation, it is necessary to increase funding or switch to a new model. The reform proposed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine will not require the introduction of additional taxes and fees. Insurance premiums in Ukraine are provided by the general system of taxation. Experts believe that the introduction of an additional special fee on wages or payroll is inappropriate in an economic crisis. The National Health Service of Ukraine (NHSU) will act as an insurer. The money to cover medical expenses will come to this agency from the state budget. It is planned to introduce a clearly defined state guaranteed package of medical services, which will be based on the priorities of health care Consumers of medical services Budget of the National Health Insurance Fund Medical institutions and taking into account the economic situation of the state. The amount of funding for the state guaranteed package of medical services is a dynamic value, which is approved annually by the parliament. In 2018, the state will pay a doctor UAH 370 per patient per year without taking into account the relevant age coefficients, and from 2019 this amount is planned to increase to UAH 450. Calculations for secondary and tertiary care are still ongoing. Under this funding model, hospitals will not receive funds for biased overstatement of beds, economically unjustified living expenses and inflated staff. In other words, the reform envisages improving the efficiency of the use of budget funds in the health care system and stimulates the improvement of the availability and quality of medical services for patients.


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How to Cite
Butenko, V., Volnevych, Y., & Mamunenko, M. (2021). TRANSFORMATION OF MEDICAL INDUSTRY FINANCING IN UKRAINE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economic Scope, (165), 101-104.