
The purpose of the article is to create methodological bases for increasing the competitive position of organizations for tender procurement to meet the needs of units of the National Guard of Ukraine. Research methods are the use of optimization economic and mathematical models and computer simulation. In the article, by involving representatives of the command of the National Guard of Ukraine, an expert assessment of the impact of various factors in the specific conditions of the procurement process for the needs of logistics of military units. The degree of importance of each of the factors became the basis for the creation of a methodology for interaction of the partner organization with the relevant military unit. In turn, the proposed technique became the theoretical basis for the development of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 decision support system. This information system helps to support management decisions to improve the effectiveness of the organization's interaction with the military unit of the NMU. The created prototype of the decision support system should be used to solve in the mode of dialogue poorly structured tasks of interaction of the organization with the military unit, which are characterized by incomplete input data, lack of existing standard procedures, incomplete clarity of goals and limitations. In global conditions, improving the competitiveness of the organization in terms of tender procurement will save the defence budget, will be an effective means of preventing corruption in the field of defence procurement, will create favourable conditions for the development of a competitive environment in public procurement and fair competition. The theoretical result of the article is the method of ensuring the competitiveness of the organization in terms of tender procurement for the needs of military units of the National Guard of Ukraine. The practical result is to substantiate the ways to increase the efficiency of the organization on the basis of ensuring competitiveness in terms of tender procurement for the needs of military units of the National Guard of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Naumenko, M. (2021). QUALITY CONTROL OF PURCHASED GOODS, WORKS AND SERVICES FOR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (165), 82-86. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/165-14