• М. Razinkova Dnipro University of Customs and Finance
  • N. Nebaba Dnipro University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: brand, internet branding, competitiveness, marketing, tourism enterprises


The features of Internet branding as a factor of competitiveness of tourist enterprises have been explored in this article. It has been revealed that companies in the tourist industry have an interest in obtaining large profits from sales and the desire that clients choose their own firms to meet their needs. Internet branding, which can be seen as an important tool for branding of tourism enterprises, can be an additional advantage in developing a positive image of travel agencies and increasing consumer loyalty, since the Internet provides an opportunity to provide unlimited amount of information. The number of the latter is determined individually by the user. Compared to traditionally used technological means of advertising, Internet branding provides the opportunity to establish a dialogue with consumers and feedback, while, from the investment point of view, it requires less costs. It has been proved that without a powerful and easily recognizable brand it is impossible to guarantee that the consumer of the Internet will have the purpose to go to the website of the travel company, and even less possibility that the user will go to him again. For this reason, tourism companies can only succeed if they have a strong brand. In addition, the brands of tourism companies in the Internet network significantly increase the effectiveness of the interaction, if you raise the trust credit, because this factor is even more important in the virtual platform than in the real world. It has been noted that in today's market environment, under the conditions of wide choice and differentiation of goods, it is practically impossible to compete with enterprises without a strong brand that could ensure the uniqueness, originality and differentiation of the offer. It is necessary to create conditions under which the product of the company can realize the important and valuable for the consumer of quality, so necessary for him, that he, of course, chose this product, symbolically getting all that is special for him. Virtual interaction does not help to determine how serious a site's business can be. In this case, the reputation of a travel company and its popular brand can be of help.


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How to Cite
RazinkovaМ., & Nebaba, N. (2018). INTERNET BRANDING AS FACTOR OF COMPETITIVENESS OF TOURIST ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (143), 173-182. Retrieved from