Keywords: digital entrepreneurship, digital competencies, Industry X.0, digital educational technologies, Education 5.0


The article substantiates digital competencies produced by Education 5.0 in order to form Industry X.0 in all sectors of the economy. Among digital competencies are the ability to work with digital content, communications, quality interaction, digital information literacy and the ability to work with data, digital security, the ability to solve technical problems independently. The peculiarities of the institutionalization of the Institute of Education 5.0, which takes place during the study of digital entrepreneurship, are indicated. A number of obstacles that slow down the implementation of quality training in digital entrepreneurship within the existing institute of education are considered, including the low level of inter-country cooperation of mentors-innovators, digital researchers and teachers involved in the implementation of training in digital entrepreneurship education with R&D departments of large corporations. 4.0 and Industry X.0. Author’s definite content of the categories “Industry X.0”, “attributes of Education 5.0”, “digital educational technologies”, “digital gradients”, “Institute of Education 5.0” is proposed. Authors consider Industry X.0 as a new approach to the organization of production, in conditions of institutional turbulence and economic shocks, based on highly intelligent integrated new products and digital ecosystems that form a fully innovative digital value chain, add new competencies and implement deep cultural changes in the direction of becoming a new virtual reality. The Institute of Education 5.0 recognizes, on the one hand, a system of ideas, rules, norms, standards of behavior of participants in educational activities in terms of teaching digital entrepreneurship, and on the other – a set of certain institutions, individuals provided with certain materials and attributes and perform relevant social functions during the implementation of teaching digital entrepreneurship. Attributes of Education 5.0 are considered as an integral property necessary to ensure the integrity of the object (subject) or subject (person), its part, application, ie we mean various digital educational technologies, tools, digital applications in terms of implementation educational process in digital entrepreneurship. Digital educational technologies/solutions at the Institute of Education 5.0 are proposed to be considered as various digital educational programs, applications, content (including video lectures, e-books), which are designed to achieve ambitious educational goals in terms of digital entrepreneurship or those that can used for these purposes.


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How to Cite
Kraus, N., Kraus, K., & Marchenko, O. (2021). DIGITAL GRADIENTS AS KEY ATTRIBUTES OF EDUCATION 5.0 AND INDUSTRY X.0. Economic Scope, (165), 13-17.