• Olena Hristoforova Educational and Scientific Institute "Karazin Banking Institute" Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazina
  • Maksim Babenko Director MSB FINANCE LLC
  • Alina Savina Educational and Scientific Institute "Karazin Banking Institute" Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazina
Keywords: emotions, leaders, efficiency, leadership, emotional intelligence


The essence of leadership is that leaders find common ground with their subordinates, create conditions for productive activities, increase the motivation of col-leagues so that they need change. A true leader can only be a person who enjoys the trust of his team, demonstrates the ability to adapt quickly to change, has stra-tegic and adaptive thinking, faith in himself and the team, has charismatic abilities and willpower. At the same time, he is an honest and open person. But to be truly successful, a leader needs freedom, independence and autonomy. Emotions play an important role in leadership. Using emotions wisely can be helpful for managers to succeed. In fact, the proper use of emotions was seen as a prerequisite for effective leadership. Leaders with high emotional competencies are perceived by their followers as more effective. In addition, it has been found that the use of emotional intelligence is associated with transformational leadership. It was found that the emotions of leaders affect followers and organizational results. Thus, a sample review of the relationship between emotions and leadership was conducted. The findings showed that emotional intelligence is essential for successful leadership because it provides many benefits to leaders. With the help of emotional intelligence, leaders could manage the team wisely, handle difficult situations correctly and effectively reduce their stress. The ability to understand emotional information and its impact on the organization and the individual, this is exactly what indicates the development of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a unique combination of human abilities to adequately perceive one's own emotions, use one's own emotions to achieve the desired goals, understand other people's emotions and manage other people's emotions. A high level of emotional intelligence allows a leader to control his followers not through commands and instructions, but through inspiration and psychological encouragement, which significantly improves the performance of any team. Therefore, it has been determined that researchers need to further explore the links between emotional intelligence and leadership to get the most out of it. Theoretical and practical implications are also considered, as well as some recommendations for further research with the promising use of emotional intelligence in the development of leadership qualities.


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How to Cite
Hristoforova, O., Babenko, M., & Savina, A. (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF EMOTIONS ON THE COURSE OF THE LEAD-ER’S THINKING. Economic Scope, (164), 124-128.