Keywords: audit, audit firm, audit activity, market of audit services, economic crimes


The article proves that the number one issue in the development of the information society is not the amount of information, but its quality, and it is the audit of confirmation of this quality through the assessment of the risks of its reduction. It is specified that in this direction it is important both the innovative method of auditing the financial statements for quality, and the resources needed to perform all defined audit procedures. It is revealed that according to the model the content of audit tasks changes, and there is a need to transform its methodology. The impact of negative financial reporting and auditing results on the securities markets was assessed by studying corporate scandals in Ukraine and the world. The characteristics of corporate scandals in terms of falsification of financial statements and methodology and organization of audit are given. The directions of transformation of institutional audit support as a tool for evaluating financial statements and its results as components of the information resource for internal and external users are identified. The analysis of the legal framework in the field of quality control of services provided by audit entities allowed to form the institutional aspects of quality assurance of audit activities and to establish the functional features of the relevant institutions. The organizational-hierarchical interrelations are defined, and also the functional value in system of maintenance of quality of auditing activity of subjects of regulation of auditing activity in Ukraine is defined. The relationship between the quality of the audit and the audit of the quality of financial statements is substantiated. It is established that the key resource of economic activity of the audit firm is the labor resources that form the human resources and determine the quality of the audit service. It is characterized that the quality of the audit service depends on the effectiveness of the audit entity as a subject of external independent financial control in the context of the relevant public functions and as a business entity whose main purpose is to make a profit. It was found that the efficiency of use and formation of economic resources by the audit firm depends on all the effects associated with its operation.


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Grytsyshen, D., Prokopenko, Z., Kochyn, T., & Tsependa, V. (2020). ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL OF AUDITING FIRMS IN THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPING ECONOMIC CRIMES. Economic Scope, (164), 23-30.