• A. Vasylyk Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman
  • H. Smaliychuk Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman
  • S. Hapchuk Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: training, internal trainer, corporate business trainer, competences of the internal trainer, competency of the trainer


The main competencies of the corporate trainer, his psychological and managerial knowledge and skills have been defined in the article. Increasing the effectiveness of personnel management, in particular in the area of personnel development, talent management, career management, providing professional psychological assistance at the workplace, etc., are possible through an internal trainer. The typical tasks facing the trainer are identified (raising the level of self-awareness of the participants, facilitating the acceptance by the participants of the training of responsibility for the result of interpersonal interaction, the development of the perception of the partner in the process of communication, increasing the degree of freedom and flexibility in communication). Based on a survey about expert’s experience of external business trainings for professional development, it was found incomplete compliance of the content of the training with the goals and expectations of the respondents, shortcomings in the content of the training and justified the feasibility of introducing the position of the corporate trainer in companies. Extremely important in terms of ensuring the effectiveness of internal trainings in the company is the selection for the internal trainer position such candidate who possesses the necessary competencies in their planning, preparation, organization, conduct, evaluation of efficiency, etc. That is, it should be a candidate with the appropriate professional training, experience, knowledge of the specifics of the enterprise, personnel characteristics, etc. The necessity of preparation of the internal business trainer in the company from the point of view of the correspondence of his goals to the company goals and needs, of the enterprise specifics and personnel training needs is substantiated in the article. It is noted that the main effective part of the training depends on the professionalism and personal style of the internal trainer. So it is the basis of the achievement of the training goals. However, the involvement of participants, their motivation, feedback in further practical work mainly depends on the personal, psychological qualities of the corporate coach.


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How to Cite
Vasylyk, A., Smaliychuk, H., & Hapchuk, S. (2018). BASIC COMPETENCIES OF CORPORATE TRAINER. Economic Scope, (143), 121-134. Retrieved from