Keywords: exchange, trading, stock exchange trading, strategy, market, entrepreneurship


Stock exchange activity is a leading link in the market economy and it is a complex mechanism that responds sensitively to all socio, economic and political processes taking place in the country. It is an indicator of pricing in society. The level of business activity on the stock exchange indicates both the economic stability of the country and the presence of financial and economic crisis in the world. As of tooday, stock exchanges in Ukraine have not taken their rightful place as required by the new economic conditions, which necessitates rethinking of their essence and purpose, developing scientifically grounded proposals for the formation of an effective exchange mechanism, favorable organizational and legal conditions for their operation. The main purpose of the stock exchange activity in Ukraine is to increase the competitiveness of the financial market of Ukraine and create favorable conditions for engaging not only foreign but also domestic capital into the country's economy. Therefore, there is currently a problem of in-depth study of the issues of the stock exchange trading and the definition of strategic aspects of the development of stock exchange activities in Ukraine. The article examines stock exchange trading in Ukraine as one of the strategic cost-effective forms of financial and entrepreneurial activity. It is stated that as of today stock exchanges in Ukraine have not taken their rightful place as required by new economic conditions, which necessitates rethinking their essence and purpose, developing scientifically sound proposals for the formation of an effective exchange mechanism, favorable organizational and legal conditions for their operation. It has been established that the current stage of stock exchange trading is characterized by certain transformational processes. It has been found out that the stock exchange trading system of Ukraine is still quite integrated into the world financial and economic space which is reflected in the quotation of domestic securities. The indicators of securities volume sales as one of the directions of activities in the sphere of stock exchange trading have been analyzed. The key problems in the field of stock exchange trading activity have been outlined and the strategic directions of its development in Ukraine have been determined.


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How to Cite
Kepko, V., Novikova, V., & Nepochatenko, A. (2020). STOCK EXCHANGE TRADING AND STRATEGIC ASPECTS OF ITS DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (162), 107-113.