• Iryna Ivanenko Izmail State Human University
Keywords: marketing communications, communications market of Ukraine, advertising media market, digital advertising, Internet marketing communications


The article is devoted to substantiation of theoretical and methodical bases of formulation of essence of definition “market of marketing communications”, the analysis of definitions available in literary sources is carried out and that which in the opinion of the author is the most complete and adequate modern market conditions is chosen. The general and specific factors of influence on the market of marketing communications are defined. Due to the lack of information on the results of the marketing communications market in official sources, economic diagnostics was conducted on the basis of data from the All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition. The development of the marketing communications market for 2016–2020 is analyzed in terms of its separate segments: the advertising media market, the marketing communications service and digital advertising. It is established that as a result of declining incomes and purchasing power of the population and due to the introduction of quarantine restrictions, the market of marketing communications showed a negative growth trend for 2019–2020 by consumers and its transformation into a commercial platform. It is determined that the impact of quarantine restrictions had a negative impact on the dynamics of the market of marketing communications in Ukraine. The impact of COVID-19 has had a particular impact on cinema advertising: this segment has shrunk by more than half in 2020. Based on the analysis of statistical information, the main trends in the development of the marketing communications market are identified, as well as a forecast for this market segment for 2021. The progressive development of the marketing communications market in 2021 will depend on changes in the level of income and the epidemiological situation in the country. Most reputable experts and organizations have optimistic forecasts for the development of the marketing communications market. Active processes of development of the market of marketing communications cause constant revision and improvement of a methodology of an estimation of the given market segment by experts.


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How to Cite
Ivanenko, I. (2020). ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MARKET IN UKRAINE FOR 2016–2020. Economic Scope, (162), 96-102.