• Alla Kostyrko Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • Karyna Zhyvchenko Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • Karyna Furdui Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Keywords: competition, logistics, competitive advantages, cost minimization, staffing


The processes of globalization intensify the competition between business entities, which encourages them to seek new methods and technologies to improve the efficiency of their activities. It is established that efficient logistics ensures adaptation of the enterprise to market conditions and achieving an advantage over competitors. It is determined that the introduction of logistics in the economic activity of enterprises invites to join using a systematic approach. It is based on the formulation of the complex of consumers of the subsystem and their functioning functions. The driving force at the enterprise has always been labor resources. Therefore, the staffing subsystem is quite important. In this regard, the study was to identify key areas of staffing logistics activities of enterprises by increasing its efficiency and adaptation to modern business conditions. In general, the staffing has the following structures: training; personnel selection; motivation and stimulation of staff. In the process of training, you can focus on the ability to navigate logistics, levels of English language proficiency, external and internal academic mobility of higher education seekers, employees of educational institutions from external stakeholders. The issue of acquiring soft skills by future specialists, which help to find a common language with different people, to agree with them, to argue one's position and to add content to others, is relevant. In addition, flexible navigation programs help you work with information and be in your professions in the future. Recruitment offers the search for candidates through recruitment agencies, labor exchanges, staff recommendations, cooperation with educational institutions. Motivation and stimulation of staff has monetary and non-monetary forms. Cash incentives have a negative but short-term impact on staff performance. Non-monetary motivations, on the other hand, provide a lasting and lasting positive impact on the quality of people's work. It is established that the staffing of logistics activities of enterprises is based on the coordinated efforts of customers with appropriate qualifications, professional organizations, organizers of national services and government agencies, through the development of logistics.


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How to Cite
Kostyrko, A., Zhyvchenko, K., & Furdui, K. (2020). STAFFING OF LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economic Scope, (162), 84-87.