Keywords: outsourcing, shipbuilding cluster system, logistics functions, resources, logistics operator


The aim of the article is to study the features of the operating system, shipbuilding production management system and develop a mechanism for involving a logistics operator on the basis of outsourcing services in the shipbuilding cluster system. The work presents the characteristics of shipbuilding, identifies the features of project management at the enterprise. The subject of the study is the methods and models of logistics management of the shipbuilding cluster system. The object of the study is the logistics system of project management in the shipbuilding cluster system. Logistics in project management of shipbuilding enterprises is determined by a large number of flow processes and associated complex information links. The logistics system covers the entire resource-functional range of flow processes, taking into account the stages of the project life cycle. For domestic shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises, cluster integration is one of the most accessible ways to implement a global strategy in achieving competitive positions in international markets. Modern logistics requirements are forcing companies to seek a compromise to compensate for the growing demands of production. Outsourcing is the transfer of part of the business process by enterprises to outsourcers on a subcontract basis. The logistics operator 4PL, which is engaged on the basis of outsourcing, integrates the business processes of shipbuilding companies involved in the supply chain using electronic media. The coordinator is the logistics center, which, using modern equipment, allows logistics operators to offer a comprehensive package of services with high quality parameters.


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How to Cite
Zaporozhets, I. (2020). OUTSOURCING OF LOGISTICS FUNCTIONS IN SHIPBUILDING CLUSTER SYSTEM. Economic Scope, (162), 75-78. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/162-13