Keywords: development potential, potential, potential structure, innovative development, strategic management


The research reveals the strategic principles of managing the development po-tential of the enterprise. In order to achieve these goals, the company needs to opti-mize the structure of resources, create economic opportunities, apply innovative technologies and effectively use existing competencies. In order to be in a leading position in the market, the company must respond in a timely manner to all changes that constantly occur in the external environment of the company. And one of the main goals of the company is to maintain its internal environment and strengthen its image from the outside. Development potential is formed and used in accordance with the strategic goals and prospects of the enterprise. The strategic approach to the management of development potential is becoming an important factor in the development and effective functioning of enterprises in modern conditions. Thus, finding and improving concepts and approaches in the field of strategic management of enterprise development potential allow to build a rational modernization base. This allows for long-term development of the enterprise and strengthening its position in a competitive environment. The paper considers the theoretical foundations of a strategic approach to managing the structure of enterprise development potential. Scientific achievements in the theories of enterprise development potential management are analyzed. Theoretical substantiation and solution of the scientific problem of strategic management of enterprise development potential is carried out. It consists in the formation of theoretical and methodological provisions based on the developed conceptual model of enterprise development potential. The world experience of strategic management of enterprise potential and its practical application for Ukrainian enterprises is also considered. The authors proposed directions for the implementation of innovative technologies in the management of enterprise potential. This allowed to form the priorities of strategic development and adaptability of the enterprise. The proposed theoretical principles reveal the modernization prospects and conditions for the introduction of modern digital technologies in the processes of strategic management of development potential.


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How to Cite
Vovk, O., & Dudik, A. (2020). ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH. Economic Scope, (162), 53-56. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/162-9

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