Keywords: marketing communications, promoting, IT services, hosting company, target audience


The article describes the reasons for choosing marketing communications used in promoting IT services. The object of the research was marketing communications of the hosting company, which has been operating in Ukraine for the last 19 years. In writing the article the theoretical-empirical research method is used, consisting of elements such as analysis and synthesis of marketing processes in the enterprise, logical argument of the consequences and effects of the introduction of certain promotion tools, Comparing and generalizing the main differences between online and offline marketing communications. Distinctions between the traditional complex and Internet communications have been defined. The traditional complex of marketing communications contains advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing and personal sales. The complex of Internet communications involves the use of different kinds of Internet advertising, Internet PR, search engines, direct marketing, SMM, virtual communities. The detailed main means of Internet communications have also been identified to promote the services of enterprises active in the IT field. On the basis of the expert evaluation, the effectiveness of the use of Internet communications of the hosting company is evaluated. The most effective in this case are Email mailing, SEO and PPC. It has been proved that when choosing the type of marketing Internet communications, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the target audience. To promote the services of the hosting company, where the target audience is “permanently” in a virtual environment, it is not practical to use traditional means. Recommendations are given on the selection of Internet communication tools for the hosting company depending on the characteristics of the target audience. The use of social media is justified. The practical significance of the study is that companies that try to adapt traditional tools to a virtual environment need to find new tools to better influence the behavior of both existing and potential customers.


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How to Cite
Buga, N., Yanchuk, T., & Taranovska, Y. (2020). MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS USED IN PROMOTING IT SERVICES. Economic Scope, (162), 48-52.