Keywords: social partnership, social dialogue, state social policy, collective agreements, employers, workers, trade unions


In modern conditions, the social policy of the state acquires special significance, which is a set of socio-economic measures of the state, enterprises, organizations, local authorities aimed at protecting the population from unemployment, rising prices, devaluation of labor savings. This is especially important in the Ukrainian reality, as due to the deep economic crisis and the decline in production, the problem of material security of the population, the creation of new jobs has become acute. Social policy follows from the social functions of the state, which it performs in a competitive market mechanism. It has been concluded that the payers of social insurance contributions are the state and employers (enterprises), and employees allegedly do not participate in social insurance and are provided without any deductions (payments) from wages. Social insurance directly and indirectly affects the interests of employees. Therefore, the participation of employees as insurers is mandatory under Ukrainian law. Due to the fact that this process is objective, beyond the control of the individual, is beyond his control, the state, reducing social tensions, takes care of the poor. It has been considered that a serious problem for Ukraine is the reform of the pension system: in fact, it is planned to build 2 new levels of the pension system. Thus, the pension system of Ukraine in the future should look like this: the first level - solidarity - exists today and provides for mandatory payments to the «common pot»; the second level - personalized - also provides for a «common pot», only now the information system of the Pension Fund will store information on the number and amount of individual payments; the third level provides for the emergence of private pension funds and voluntary contributions of working citizens. Bills on pension reform include, in particular, the removal of restrictions on the maximum amount of pension, the restoration of the dependence of the amount of pension on salary and seniority. It has been concluded that the field of social partnership, social policy and social security are those areas that directly affect the living standards of the population and are priority for Ukraine, wich includes the protection of the poor, the fight against unemployment, the regulation of labor relations.


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How to Cite
Laukhina, L., Kobzar, N., Rabich, O., & Scachedub, S. (2020). SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP IN UKRAINE AND ITS LEGAL SUPPORT. Economic Scope, (162), 7-12.