Keywords: social cohesion, social security, state policy, social support, vulnerable segments of the population, national economic system, social disintegration, inclusive development


For more than six years, forced internal displacement has remained one of the main challenges and priorities of Ukraine's public policy. Under the difficult conditions of forced relocation, the state has a number of obligations to strengthen the protection of the human rights of internally displaced persons. Social cohesion is one of the basic doctrines of modern society. It involves the active participation of the population in solving pressing problems of life, in overcoming social isolation and social disintegration. An organic component of the latter is the system of social protection of internally displaced persons in the context of decentralization of power in eastern Ukraine, adequate to the nature of the functioning and development of market relations. The article substantiates the theoretical aspects of the implementation of state social security policy in the decentralization of power, the conceptual basis for choosing a national model of economic development of the economic system in the context of the social component of state policy (the state of parameters of socio-economic model of national economy). functioning of the modern economic system, the genesis of the modern model of the global economy) and methodological approaches to determining the needs and basic determinants of formation, development of social protection in specific historical conditions, as a form of socialization of the global economy (public policy expands its format to the system of providing social services as an attribute of the national economic system, reflecting the level of their socialization); analyzed the current state of the national economic system (in terms of deformation of the socio-economic subsystem, the risks of deepening social inequality) and identified social risks inherent in modern society, which allows you to choose the most effective measures to counteract the negative consequences; proposed a mechanism for regulating the implementation of social support for vulnerable groups, the functions of social protection institutions according to the appropriate classification (such structure clearly identifies their role in regulating social reproduction on the basis of complementary combination, reducing the risks of possible decline in living standards in crisis) and government action programs for overcoming the crisis in the country, taking into account regional problems of social protection, which will overcome the social disintegration of social insecurity of internally displaced persons and ensure equal access to social services in an inclusive development of the national economic system in eastern Ukraine.


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