• О. О. Korolovich Mukachevo State University
Keywords: the depressed regions, territorial units, country's economic development, the polarized of regional economy


In this article, sets of challenges, which integrates the polarized developed of regions of Ukraine have been investigated. In doing so, endpoint the process of seeking new knowledge achieved through deal with such challenges of: definition the depressed regions as the major challenge that form a phenomenon of polarized developed of regions of Ukraine; identification of depression-related indicators that are effective to illustrate polarized developed of regions of Ukraine; depressed regions clustering based on similarities challenges and solutions; identification of developing a strategy minimizing the processes of polarized developed of regions of Ukraine. Author's approaches is to consideration polarization of the regional economy as a process and conditions Economic Management the values-based: territories which advanced enough and self-sufficient; deprived territories, affected by economic crisis, which accumulating deepen rates of depression. As part of a study includes individual elements technical analysis, used to identify trends, polarized developed regions of Ukraine. Furthermore the grouping method was applied as a core element of statistical summary developed regions into groups. Thus, has been distributed of this data collection based on the similarity of the most characteristic challenges and opportunities (namely percentage of the Primary Industries in the total number enterprises active in of the region). It was stated that general issue of polarized developed regions of Ukraine relates to the widespread depression regions. It can be said that there is a possibility that the using the results to develop a strategy focused on minimizing of polarized developed regions of Ukraine. The practical bearing of the consists in the possibility of the classify depressed areas according to the values volume index on gross regional product and additional measures of depression.


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How to Cite
KorolovichО. О. (2018). PROBLEMS OF POLARIZED DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (143), 44-55. Retrieved from