• Tatiana Koturanova Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Anastasia Kotenko Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: innovations, construction market, building materials, innovative ceramic materials, export


The article is devoted to the search and substantiation of options for the introduction of modern innovative ceramic materials in the construction market of the country in order to increase its market share. It is established that the development of the ceramic tile market in Ukraine largely depends on the pace of housing construction. Building ceramics is one of the most capacious segments of the building industry. It accounts for about 30-40% of the total materials used in construction. In Ukraine, there are all the prerequisites for the active development of the tile industry. The country concentrates about 25% of raw material reserves - white clay, which is largely exported abroad for the needs of foreign producers. It was found that since 2013 the market of ceramic tiles in Ukraine is reflected in the negative dynamics of consumption, production, exports and imports. It was found out that the main exporters of ceramic tiles in Ukraine are the Russian Federation, Poland, Moldova, Belarus. Analyzed economic indicators in the field of ceramic materials in Ukraine in order to identify problems. Researched and determined the effectiveness of innovative ceramic materials and the feasibility of introduction into production by Ukrainian construction companies to increase market share. At the current stage of development, the transition to an innovative path of development is important for Ukraine. Without the use of innovation, the efficiency of the enterprise is minimized and the creation of a competitive product becomes impossible. To this end, in the context of overcoming the economic crisis, the introduction of innovation is the most effective means of competition, as innovation helps to reduce production costs and attract new investment. Among the main problems are the consequences of the financial crisis, declining demand due to declining solvency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and so on. Therefore, one of the ways of further development may be the introduction of innovative ceramic materials. Such a factor as innovation can help Ukrainian producers of ceramic materials to become more competitive and reach a new level of development.


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How to Cite
Koturanova, T., & Kotenko, A. (2020). STATE AND PROSPECTS OF CERAMIC MATERIALS MARKET DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (161), 43-48.