Keywords: HR-management, professional staff development, qualification, human capital


Human resources are considered the main driving force for Ukrainian economic growth. While the competitiveness of the organization depends on personnel management policy, HR-management is to be a set of general patterns and features in forming, functioning and developing the organization or entity human resources, which, in addition, must be consistent with the strategy and mission of the organization. The rate of continuing staff professional development being focused on the talents should become an important social component of the organization activities. It is rather difficult to objectively assess the quality as to implementing this principle in the organization. However, it proves possible by using the indicators characterizing the processes of the staff professional development from divergent points. The analysis of indicators shows that the situation with continuing staff professional development with being focused on talents at the most national enterprises keeps threatening, so it significantly constrains the potential for the enterprise innovative development and the recovery of its financial condition. It is crucial for company, even in times of loss, to find the opportunities for investing into human capital, although nowadays the funds allocated for this management policy are not enough not only for development, but also for the simple reproduction of human capital. Key aspects of the new concept of HR-management concern the contribution of staff satisfied with the work in achieving corporate goals, including the consumer loyalty, cost savings and high profitability, thus more attention is now paid to business goals. Secondly, the involvement of staff into the consistent achievement of these goals became an important process. As a result, the company shows the poor compliance of staff professional qualification with the job requirements and a negative financial investing capacity into the human capital. According to the HR-management concept the organization managerial must make efforts and create favorable conditions to prevent the resigning of the promising employees. HR-management is considered as the main social activity of the organization aimed at a strategic approach to manage the personnel as the most valuable asset of the organization.


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How to Cite
Pochtovyuk, A., & Semenikhina, V. (2020). HR-MANAGEMENT AND PROSPECTS TO USE IT FOR THE STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (160), 103-107.

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