Keywords: state social policy, social protection, social security, employment, social services, unemployment, transformation, reform, inclusiveness


The lack of a clear structural vision of the national model of socially-oriented economy leads to significant social disparities and distortions in society. Due to the undeveloped transparent concept of social policy, the development of social processes becomes unmanageable. The key issues facing most countries, both in the short and long term, are to build an effective system of social protection and social security that can solve urgent and permanent social problems. The need for rethinking the concept of national social policy, defining a clear goal, objectives, mechanisms and stages of its implementation is most acute. This problem becomes especially relevant in light of the processes of instability of socio-economic development of the state and the military conflict in eastern Ukraine. The article substantiates the theoretical and methodological principles of the mechanism of formation and implementation of state policy in the field of employment in Ukraine; proposed directions for the development of the system of providing services in the field of employment aimed at preventing unemployment and increasing the competitiveness of citizens in the labor market; the tendencies of development of components of modern economy and society which cause transformation of structure of the employed citizens are allocated; the priorities and models of the state social policy and the directions of their changes in modern conditions are studied; generalized by systematizing the experience of functioning of models of social protection in order to identify opportunities for its application to the national economic system; the current crisis state of the national economy (in terms of deformation of the socio-economic subsystem, the risks of deepening social inequality) and the conditions of social protection are analyzed; an algorithm for improving the system of social services in the field of employment and the scientific concept of economic development in the modern transformation of the national economy on social security processes using the principle of inclusive social growth in order to form the main components of social protection.


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How to Cite
Shevchenko, O., Antipova, O., & Kicha, I. (1). STATE SOCIAL POLICY IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: ISSUES OF IMPLEMENTATION AND REFORM. Economic Scope, (159), 147-151.