Keywords: partnership, quality management, medicines, evaluation algorithm, value, pharmaceutical company, competitiveness


In a market economy, companies are forced to constantly look for ways to improve their market position, strengthen competitive positions, strengthen com-petitive advantages and maximize financial results. The specificity of pharmaceutical production, its social significance and increased responsibility require the use of partner management. Because only through the formation and development of transparent, strategically coordinated and clearly regulated relations it is possible to create, ensure and maintain the quality of medicines for the end user. One of the promising tools in this direction is the management of partnership. The relevance of the development of partnerships is justified in the article. A partner management is especially important for pharmaceutical companies. It is related to the features of medicines as a commodity. Preserving the quality of drugs at all stages of the supply chain guarantees a profitable partnership. The achievement of competitiveness on the protracted prospect is possible due to a partner management. A management necessity is reasonable partner relations in the article. Definition of a partnership in the pharmaceutical industry proposed. Pre-conditions over for development of partnership are brought. The generalized cycle of management is worked out partner relations. The algorithm of estimation of partnership is reasonable in the article. The contents of the main stages are described in the article. Areas and indicators of partnership evaluation are proposed and substantiated. Within the framework of each direction, criteria are highlighted according to which expert assessment of the level of partner management is carried out for each of the partners. The directions of the assessment of partner management are grounded. Such as quality management, strategic development, financial results, threats and risks, costs. The importance of directions is determined. Formula for calculating the integral indicator of the level of partnerships is proposed. Conducting an assessment according to the proposed algorithm allows you to quickly make managerial decisions on managing partnerships.


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Shut, O., & Svitlychna, K. (1). JUSTIFICATION OF PARTNERSHIP LEVEL EVALUATION AL-GORITHM FOR PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES. Economic Scope, (159), 130-133. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/159-27