Keywords: logistics flow, reverse flow, Eco logistics, green logistics,, reverse logistics, recycling logistics, waste logistics


The article is about and disclosing the features of the direction of reverse logistics in a business environment of Ukraine. It has been established that the effective use of conceptually new management methods based on the integral paradigm of reverse logistics allows for an increase in the ecological and economic efficiency of production. The article studies the essence, objectives, functions and key principles of reverse logistics. It was found that the reverse logistics – is a system of logistics management and complex logistics business processes related to planning, organization, analysis and control of the movement of inverse material, information and financial flows from the consumer to the supplier (manufacturer). The functions of reverse logistics are highlighted, including: marketing, analytical and information function, control, distribution, sorting, placement, the function of restoring the value of returned objects, the function of recycling, processing products, packaging, are not subject to further resale or reuse, ecological optimization function, organization function product recall. The stages of effective control of reverse (reverse) flows in conditions are considered. The problems of managing reverse logistic business processes in the context of greening the economic environment are systematized. The directions of increasing the efficiency of reverse logistics management have been substantiated, including stimulating the continuous improvement of the reverse flow by standardizing the processes of reverse movement of material flows, optimizing time parameters, transport costs, etc..; development and improvement of supply chain management based on modern information technologies; improving communication processes in inverse motion system material flows. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific and special methods, theoretical provisions of modern economic theory, tools for abstract-logical generalization, and a logistic approach. Prospects for further research are in the development of tools and rational models for making managerial decisions to manage reverse flows in the system of logistics business processes.


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How to Cite
Tsymbalistova, O., Yudenko, E., & Chernikhova, O. (1). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIRECTION OF REVERSE LOGISTICS IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (159), 124-129.