Keywords: enterprise competitiveness, factors of enterprise competitiveness, external and internal factors, macro level, micro level


The article considers the main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «enterprise competitiveness» and identifies factors of enterprise competitiveness development. It is noted that the concept of enterprise competitiveness is quite broad, has a dynamic nature and therefore requires constant assessment of its level, monitoring of indicators that characterize it and study the sources of its formation. The authors considered different approaches of other scientists to determine the factors of competitiveness. Based on this analysis, the authors argued the universal nature of these factors in the context of a systematic approach to the concept of enterprise competitiveness. Based on the study of existing approaches, the authors proposed their own system of factors for the development of enterprise competitiveness, which includes both external and internal factors. External factors of competitiveness at the macro level include economic, natural-geographical, scientific and technical, political, legal and socio-cultural factors. Factors of competitiveness at the micro level include competitors, suppliers, consumers, intermediaries and contact audiences. The authors attributed the organizational and managerial, financial and economic, production potential of the enterprise, logistics components and marketing mix of the enterprise to the internal factors. The company can independently manage only the internal factors of competitiveness. It is noted that all these factors of enterprise competitiveness operate systematically, which exacerbates the effects of each factor. There is no doubt that the company needs to pay considerable attention to the study of external and internal factors of competitiveness. Great importance should be attached to the analysis of their strengths and weaknesses in order to assess the real opportunities for competition and the accumulation of financial resources, due to which it could increase the level of competitiveness and ensure its success in the market. Comprehensive work on the selected factors will allow the company to successfully develop its competitiveness and be successful in the market.


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How to Cite
Reshetnikova, O., Borovik, T., & Simon, A. (1). FACTORS OF ENTERPRISE COMPETITIVENESS DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (159), 107-110. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/159-22

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