• Yuliia Peniak Educational and Scientific Institute «Karazin Banking Institute» V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Nataliia Horokhovatska JSC "AB InBev Efes Ukraine", Kharkiv
Keywords: financial result, analysis, expenses, profit, management


The main purpose of any enterprise in the market economy is to obtain high financial results. One of the main conditions for the effective functioning of the enterprise is ability to generate profit in the amount that will create the financial basis for further development and expansion of the enterprise, comply with social and material needs, ensure competitiveness in the market of goods and services. The need for accounting and analytical management of financial results stems from needs of owners, the state and employees in information that will enable them to identify patterns and trends in financial results, identify and assess the main factors influencing the process of their creation, distribution and usage, identify reserves and thus increase the level of profitability. Despite the significant scientific contribution in the field of research of financial results of the enterprises, the issue of improvement aims to the accounting and analytical maintenance of management of financial results of the enterprise remains actual. That is why the purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical and practical aspects and develop approaches to improving the mechanism of formation of accounting and analytical support for the management of financial results of the enterprise. Accounting and analytical management of financial results of the enterprise is a set of interconnected elements of production and management system, activities carried out by the subject of management, creation of a certain structure, as well as collection, accumulation, storage and analysis of information necessary for effective operation of the enterprise. The main components of the study of accounting and analytical support of financial performance management are the formation of methods of analysis, control and forecasting of financial results, which requires specification of the components of the analytical and controlled process within the organizational and information model. Namely, the formation of reliable information about the financial condition of the enterprise, the analysis of economic indicators of the enterprise is of great importance in the system of general evaluation of business entities. Their research makes it possible to assess the dynamics of the structure of income and expenses, to determine the impact of factors on the company's profit from various activities, as well as to find reserves to increase the net profit of enterprises. Thus, the improvement of accounting and analytical support of enterprise management is based on the use of modern forms, methods and principles that place new demands on the formation of unbiased, complete, timely, clear and useful accounting and analytical information about the enterprise and its financial results.


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