Keywords: organic production, promotion, products, promotion methods, state


The current state of development of socio-economic processes requires increasing the level of food security of the state, especially providing the population with quality, environmentally friendly food products of domestic production. However, agricultural producers, trying to constantly increase production, use intensive technologies of agriculture based on chemicalization, which leads to significant soil degradation, violation of the ecological balance of agroecosystems, contamination of agri-food products with radionuclides, heavy metals, pesticides. Therefore, in Ukraine there is a strategic task - to increase the production of organic products to meet their own needs, while entering international food markets. It is established that in the framework of the implementation of modern marketing concepts for producers the attractiveness of organic production is growing. Ukraine lags far behind the developed countries in terms of organic consumption. Having identified the features of individual components of the complex of organic food sales and recommendations for their improvement in order to strengthen competitiveness in the market. Problems of developing scientific methods for promoting organic products in the marketing system of organic enterprises are insufficiently studied. In particular, this applies to methods of product promotion for organic producers, as well as the definition of the main elements of the product promotion system, which include goals, principles, types, methods, organizational structures, functions, stages and results of promotion of organic products. The article considers the concept of the system of promotion of organic producers; the content of the main components of this system, such as goals, principles, types, methods, functions, organizational management structures, stages and indicators of product promotion results are revealed. The peculiarities of the system of promotion of organic products are reflected. Two main groups of methods for producers of organic products are proposed. A brief description of the content of these techniques is given. Techniques grouped by the main stages of product promotion.


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