Keywords: staff training, virtual reality, mixed reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, adaptive-interactive system


The active development of adaptive-interactive systems, in particular virtual, augmented and mixed reality, in the field of education makes it appropriate to study the possibilities of using these systems directly to train personnel. The reduction of costs and increase of the availability of adaptive-interactive systems, including those that can be used in the training process, encourages their use in a growing number of companies around the world. The aim of the article is to study the usage of modern adaptive-interactive systems in the field of personnel training, such as virtual, augmented and mixed reality, to determine their advantages and disadvantages, as well as prospects for mass implementation of these systems in the practice of personnel training. Different types of virtual reality systems are distinguished, the delimitation of which lies in the plane of ways and modes of their interaction with the user. The research methodology is based on the semantic analysis of the interpretation of different types of adaptive-interactive systems of personnel training and analysis of their usage cases on existing enterprises. The expediency of using virtual and augmented reality technologies as methods of active learning in order to study various subjects is described and examples of personnel training systems using mixed reality are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of using these technologies in staff training are analyzed. Examples of application of adaptive-interactive systems at Ukrainian and foreign enterprises are given. The limited supply of adaptive-interactive systems of personnel training by the developers of such software and hardware indicates a lack of relevant specialists and the unwillingness of domestic enterprises to invest in these systems. At the same time, modern digital technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality using artificial intelligence provide in practice high efficiency of the educational process in the enterprise by increasing concentration and attention of learners, easiness of information retrieval, providing practical skills, independence and simultaneous safety of employee training. In response, the directions of further researches in implementation of modern technologies of training of the personnel of the enterprises in Ukraine are offered.


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How to Cite
Litorovych, O., & Karyy, O. (1). USE OF ADAPTIVE-INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS IN THE PROCESS OF STAFF TRAINING. Economic Scope, (159), 58-62.