Keywords: economic security, raiding, business, raider attack, economic attractiveness


Given the formation of a market economy in Ukraine, which is based on small and medium-sized businesses, the question of their economic security, because economic security is one of the main components of the needs of not only the state, various associations, but also individual enterprises. Therefore, it is very important to have effective tools to protect enterprises from the information support. With the intensive spread of crises in Ukraine's economy, financial and political instability, increased competition and the negative impact of environmental factors, the problem of financial and economic security of the enterprise has become especially important, namely in the manifestation of information warfare and raids on enterprises of various forms of ownership. Economic information is considered as the main factor of effective activity of the enterprise in the conditions of market economy. Until the early 1990s (Soviet period), domestic enterprises, in particular agro-industrial enterprises, felt virtually no risk in their activities, as they were state-owned and bound by government contracts. In turn, the state interests in the field of economy were strictly protected by law enforcement agencies and special services. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Any business entity, regardless of the size of its working assets, is surrounded by a variety of risks, and therefore vulnerable to various raider attacks, which can instantly destroy financial and material resources. At the same time, the state structures that are supposed to defend entrepreneurship do not actually operate. In today's economic system, one of the most important tasks of economic security of the enterprise was the preservation of its property, resistance to raiding – forceful, unscrupulous seizure of someone else's property. This phenomenon has become a real threat to the economy as a whole, destroying domestic business, entrepreneurship and production, increasing tensions in the economic space of the country, as almost any company can be the object of a raider attack. Therefore, we can say that the problem of raiding in today's market conditions is quite relevant and threatens the economic security of enterprises and must be addressed immediately.


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How to Cite
Zgadova, N., Rogatina, L., & Gubko, V. (1). RAIDING IN UKRAINE – A THREAT TO THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (159), 49-52.