• Iryna Horodniak Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Anastasiia Terendii Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: consumer behavior, household, consumption, food, food market


The article outlines the features of the essence of the household as a complex socio-economic phenomenon. The importance of studying the peculiarities of the formation of consumer behavior of households in the food market of Ukraine in modern socio-economic conditions is outlined. Studies of consumer behavior of households in the food market provide information on the patterns of manifestation, formation, development and satisfaction of aggregate individual needs in food, exchange and consumption of food to meet the needs of both individuals and society as a whole. An important component of the functioning of the household is the sphere of consumption, its consumer behavior. The main approaches to the interpretation of the essence and features of consumer behavior of households are analyzed: microeconomic, psychological, sociological and marketing approaches. The factors of formation of consumer behavior in the retail market of food products are considered. The analysis of the results of the study of consumer behavior of households in the food market on the example of the city of Lviv is carried out. The main types of consumer behavior of households are analyzed using scales “conservatism – innovation” and “thrift – demonstration” in the process of buying goods and services and their consumption. Based on self-assessment, almost half of respondents said that their households are characterized by a conservative type of consumer behavior. The degree of influence of the price on the purchase of food products depending on the type of consumer behavior of the household is analyzed. The influence of price on choice when buying food and eating outside the home by households is considered. The share of households that is ready to abandon the consumption of these groups of goods when the price increases is determined. The places where households buy food are outlined. It has been found that when buying food, a certain proportion of households check for the absence of harmful ingredients. When buying food, a quarter of the surveyed households always prefer special offers and promotional goods. Interviewed household members noted that food advertising is the most common.


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How to Cite
Horodniak, I., & Terendii, A. (1). CONSUMER BEHAVIOR OF HOUSEHOLDS IN THE FOOD MARKET OF UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (159), 39-43.