• Natalia Buntova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Keywords: marketing innovations, innovative technologies, economics of impressions, hospitality industry, development, competitiveness


The relevance of innovative technologies is due to the rapid globalization of the world market and shortening the life cycle of products, as well as the need for a strategic approach to updating the quality characteristics of products and services. The purpose of the article is to analyze the international experience of introducing marketing innovative technologies in the practice of enterprises of the hospitality industry and to determine the most acceptable examples for the Ukrainian economy in the context of economic development impressions. The article presents the main features of the economy of impressions as a direction that involves the organization and improvement of creative activity in the business of accommodation establishments. The author proves that the development and implementation of an innovative product in the hotel business should be carried out in the following sequence: determining the needs of the client; environmental monitoring; application of new methods and forms that meet the wishes of the client; making a profit from the sale of an innovative product. The author analyzes the world experience of successfully implemented innovative hotel products in practice and presents projects of future innovations in the activities of international hotel chains, the implementation of which will be on time and in demand in the global hotel market. Marketing innovations are the most important component of the activities of hotel enterprises aimed at expanding markets. The article highlights the general types of innovations, the main measures for the development of the hotel sector in terms of innovation activity. The author emphasizes the need for state support for the creation and implementation of innovations in Ukraine. On the basis of foreign experience the main purposes and expediency of introduction of marketing innovations in practice of domestic enterprises of hotel business are substantiated. Transition to an innovative way of development of the hospitality industry is possible processes of production of services, and in development of new hotel products and management system in the industry of entertainment and rest in Ukraine.


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