Keywords: entrepreneurship, investment climate, small and medium business, investment attractiveness, business creation


The article analyzes the position of Ukraine in the World Bank's Doing Business 2020 rating, which highlights the opportunities and limitations in doing business in different countries. It was found that improving the investment climate and increasing investment attractiveness for foreign investors is a particularly important task and justifies the relevance of this issue. The purpose of the article is to analyze and assess Ukraine's position in the ranking of investment attractiveness and the formation of proposals and recommendations to improve the conditions for creating new business structures in the country. To achieve this goal, methods of comparative analysis, rating method, graphical method were used. It is established that the conditions of doing business are a clear indicator for foreign investors, an indicator of what may happen to the investor's business after a certain period. It was found that the maximum possible simplification of the procedure of opening, registration and doing business are important issues in Ukrainian practice. The main indicators and indicators have been identified, the influence of which has led to positive changes in the ranking in expanding opportunities for entrepreneurship in Ukraine. A comparative analysis of the dynamic changes in the rating positions on the investment attractiveness of Ukraine over the past 15 years (2006-2020). Problematic issues and "bottlenecks" in the development of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine have been formulated. The study made it possible to establish that we should expect a further path of Ukraine's rise, moreover, a number of laws have been adopted that stimulate investment activity and support small and medium-sized businesses. Recommendations for simplifying the procedure for creating and improving the process of conducting small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine are proposed, which will allow in the future to improve Ukraine's position in the ranking of conditions for the functioning of business structures. The practical value is that compliance with the proposed recommendations will allow for a detailed study of key rating indicators and their dynamic changes in the process of doing business in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Prymachenko, K., & Dombrovska, S. (2020). ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS AND PRIORITIES OF DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (158), 59-63. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/158-10