• Vladyslav Poltavtsev National University of Food Technologies
  • Nataliia Solomianiuk National University of Food Technologies
Keywords: Internet marketing, website, promotion, e-commerce, traffic


Innovations in computer and telecommunications technology have led to changes in traditional approaches to product promotion and sales. The rapid growth in the number of Internet users has led to an increase in e-commerce. For consumers, the Internet is becoming a comfortable environment where they can buy goods and services. Implementation of social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), online payment systems (Apple Pay, PayPal, Stripe and Google Wallet), as well as mobile applications in e-commerce, optimize the process of interaction between sellers and buyers, increasing the volume of trade on the Internet. For entrepreneurs, e-commerce is attractive because of the relatively low organizational costs, the global nature of the market, constant availability, the ability to obtain information in a timely manner. New opportunities and directions for analysis of consumers and competitors’ actions, in order to understand the weaknesses and promising areas of competitive advantage, have arisen. However, Ukrainian companies do not conduct marketing research with the help of websites, the level of consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is not defined, there are no components of digital marketing communications (SEO, SMM, etc.), SMM-technologies are insufficiently used. Effective promotion on the Internet also includes a reasonable choice of channels to attract potential consumers. Traffic analysis provides an opportunity to increase conversions, and, therefore, increasing the return on investment. However, website analysis from the point of view of improvement of online business efficiency is a rather resource-intensive process, which is complicated by many factors, among which an important role is played by the correct choice of web analysis tools and appropriate techniques. Therefore, web analytics services become especially relevant; they allow you to make the necessary changes, constantly improve the quality of the website, save time on data collection and systematization. In the face of fierce competition, it is also important to track traffic on competitors' websites to understand market conditions, potential threats and opportunities.


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How to Cite
Poltavtsev, V., & Solomianiuk, N. (2020). TOOLS FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ON WEBSITES. Economic Scope, (158), 54-58.