Keywords: market of tourist services, competitiveness of the market of tourist services, development, promotion of the market of tourist service, competitive advantages of the subjects of the market of tourist services


At the beginning of the new millennium, tourism has become firmly established in many countries as a major sector of the economy and as the fastest growing sector of the economy, providing foreign exchange inflows and job creation. The market of tourist services for most countries is an important factor in ensuring the balance of payments, which determines the relevance of the study of the peculiarities of managing its development and promotion on the world stage. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of managing the development and promotion of the national market of tourist services on the world stage, as well as to develop appropriate practical recommendations. This article substantiates the main features of strategic development and promotion of the market of tourist services, including determining the material basis of the system of strategic decisions, as well as tools for assessing its competitiveness, focused on creating favorable market conditions and forming an attractive image of the national market of tourist services. The use of competitive advantages and key success factors of the market of tourist services should be based, first of all, on the efficiency of the management system and the results of promotion on the world stage. Sectoral management, using methodological and practical developments to promote the organizational and product level, should also focus on the specifics of sectoral factors of competitiveness and the principles of management of the market of tourist services. The main purpose of promoting the market of tourist services is to create an echelon of regular consumers, which is a stable (regular) choice of the consumer in favor of tourist products that they have purchased and that have arranged them. For today's market, the main problem in implementing this approach is that more and more companies are trying to capture more and more scattered in space and time the attention of consumers. To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop and implement a system of marketing communications – tools and methods by which the problem is solved to inform, persuade and remind consumers, directly or indirectly, about their benefits, services, products and brands beneficial to the consumer.


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How to Cite
Yeremenko, D. (2020). FEATURES OF MANAGEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF THE NATIONAL MARKET OF TOURIST SERVICES ON THE WORLD AREA. Economic Scope, (158), 18-22. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/158-3